NutriScience SeniorAid Dog

SeniorAid Ageing Supplement contains the essential daily nutrients plus supplemental nutrients that older dogs either have an increased requirement for or do not produce sufficiently for themselves. As dogs get older the quality of their dietary intake may vary for several reasons, among them illness and reduced appetite. SeniorAid has been scientifically formulated by NutriScience and its key ingredients play their own individual roles in helping to slow the aging process.


The first sign of an aging dog is a general decrease in activity, including a tendency to sleep longer and more soundly, a waning of enthusiasm for long walks or games of catch, and a loss of interest in its surroundings. Skin and coat change too, as the skin loses pliability and the capacity of the oil-producing sebaceous glands diminishes. As aging advances, the heart, liver, and kidneys lose their efficiency and the immune system is less able to fight off attacks by bacteria and viruses. Old age also has a significant effect on brain function, which can be boosted with adequate nutritional intake. It is recommended to give SeniorAid before signs of old age appear. Available in 250 ml and 500 ml. Dosing:
Up to 5 kg 2,5 ml (1 pump)
5-10 kg  5 ml (2 pumps)
10-20 kg 10 ml (4 pumps)
Over 20 kg 15 ml (5 pumps)
Store in a cool, dry place between 15-25°C. Keep out of direct sunlight.


Ingredients (per 10 ml): Glucosamine HCL 300 mg, Omega 3 fatty acids 125 mg, Chondroitin Sulphate 120 mg, Phosphatidylserine 100 mg, Cysteine 200 mg, Beta Glucan 10 mg, Thiamine HCL 0.4 mg, Riboflavin 1.44 mg, Niacin (Niacinamide) 5.6 mg, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate 100 mg, Dl-Methionine 125 mg, L-Arginine 150 mg, Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 0.032 mg, Vitamin B6 0.4 mg, Vitamin E 28.8 iu


Pour SeniordAid Ageing Supplement over the pet’s food.