Naturally controls plaque and tartar

Plaque bacteria constantly form in the mouth and easily adhere to teeth and gums. If allowed to accumulate it can lead to bleeding gum inflammation, and over time may even cause teeth loss. ProDen PlaqueOff® Teeth And Gums is a 100% natural complimentary product to regular tooth brushing suitable for vegetarians.

100% natural

Teeth and gums

Rich in iodine and minerals

ProDen PlaqueOff®

For humans

The ProDen PlaqueOff® capsules for humans is your 100% natural solution to plaque- and tartar related problems. Consume two capsules daily to reduce problems and pain in the future as well as treating bad breath today. Available as capsules.

"I used to be bothered by pockets at the bottom of my teeth, since I’ve been taking ProDen PlaqueOff Teeth and Gums they’ve disappeared."

Louise Duke, USA